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LGA Head of Research & Information, Juliet Whitworth, joins Land Data Board


Land Data today welcomes a new member to its Board: Juliet Whitworth is Head of Research and Information at the Local Government Association. She takes over the Board position of Claire Holloway, Head of Corporate Services at the Local Government Association, who has taken retirement. 

Juliet’s appointment brings new data and research experience to the Land Data Board, alongside her strategy and senior leadership expertise. Her advice and guidance over the coming years will support the evolution of Land Data, which was set up by central and local government in 2001 to manage and regulate the newly created National Land Information Service (NLIS) – the first platform for electronic, Official Searches.  

Imtiaz Farookhi, Chairman of the Land Data Board said:  

“Juliet brings the skills and experience we need to drive forward Land Data’s role in the searches market and ensure that NLIS continues to protect consumers with its comprehensive, government-guaranteed Official Searches.  

Fiona Barron, Land Data Chief Executive, added:  

“Juliet is joining us at a critical time, when we’re redefining the shape of Land Data and NLIS. Her analytical skills, not to mention her deep local government knowledge, will be essential here. As a Community Interest Company, we want to improve the way the searches market works for the benefit of all parties. In particular, we want to support conveyancers to offer the best protection to the consumer and ensure local authority teams can continue to maintain and manage our high-quality land and property data long into the future.” 

About Juliet Whitworth 

Juliet has worked in local government for more than 25 years. She leads a team that commissions and conducts research projects and analysis, providing evidence and information which enables the LGA to effectively represent and support local authorities. Her team also delivers a programme of work to help authorities make better use of data. 

Juliet represents the sector in relation to data, including on data burden and the Single Data List. She also leads the LG Inform programme, a data benchmarking service for councils and fire and rescue authorities/services. 

She sits on the board of GeoPlace LLP, a joint venture between the LGA and Ordnance Survey, which works with councils to produce street and address data. As a Land Data Board member she will sit alongside Nick Chapallaz, Managing Director at GeoPlace. Juliet is also a long-time member of both the Local Area Research and Intelligence Association (LARIA) and the Social Research Association (SRA): she has served on the executive boards of both and is currently a trustee of LARIA.  

Juliet commented:  

“I’m looking forward to working with the Land Data team and bringing a local authority perspective to the key decisions which lie ahead. Land Data provides two unique roles in the home buying and selling market – it is the only provider of regulated Official Searches, and the only industry champion of council local land charges teams. These are both essential functions which we need to safeguard.” 

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