The regulator of Official NLIS Conveyancing Searches
Land Data was set up in 2001 to regulate and run (under licence) the newly-created National Land Information Service (NLIS), a hub providing a single point of access to official sources of land and property information from every Local Authority in England and Wales, HM Land Registry and the Mining Remediation Authority.
A cross-Government initiative, NLIS was launched by HM Land Registry, the Improvement & Development Agency for Local Government (IDeA, now part of the Local Government Association), Ordnance Survey, Valuations Office Agency, DEFRA and the Cabinet Office central IT unit. Its goal was and is to make property information accessible to everyone.

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Draw down official data directly from over 380 data providers
Partner with the only regulated data hub for official searches
Add credibility through association with recognised and trusted data providers
Create customised services specifically for your customers
Run secure billing and payment operations
Give your customers 24/7 access to the NLIS Hub